Study Abroad

澳门皇冠赌场平台国际研究课程的使命是提供国际学术课程,促进对全球社区的理解,并为学生提供服务, faculty, 促进各院系开展和实施优质的国际学术经验.

HSU的海外留学项目从一整个学年到夏季的三周不等. We have study programs and partnerships in:

The London Semester takes you to London each spring semester. 出国留学的学习让你从许多其他HSU学生中脱颖而出. 你有远见,看到一个学期的国际学习将丰富你的学术经验,你是你的本科学位的例外. The program asks from you a commitment of money and time, but I assure you the payoff will be tremendous.

London will become your classroom and home for a semester. 您将与英国和美国的教授一起学习,并将伦敦作为您的教室. You will go on many excursions in London, a number of day trips out of London, and a spring break tour of England, Scotland, and Wales. Very few other study-abroad programs provide so much.

选拔标准:每所大学将选出最多10名学生参加伦敦学期. 参加者将根据以下标准选出:

  1. G.P.A. of 2.5 or better (cumulative)
  2. Evaluations of two faculty members
  3. Academic and College achievements


Join the HSU London Facebook Group to stay informed.

Our goal is to choose students who have demonstrated the following characteristics: they perform well in classes; they are dependable, cooperative, and considerate; they are disciplined and prompt; they are intellectually curious and flexible, and finally, they are persons of integrity.

HSU offers students a semester abroad opportunity at Salzburg College, Salzburg, Austria.

这个非常经济的项目是独一无二的,因为它还包括为期一周的德国实地考察和为期五天的维也纳之旅. 学生们有两周的休息时间,可以自己去旅行,探索欧洲. 参加这个项目的学生住在精心挑选的奥地利家庭,以提供一个安全的家庭环境.

萨尔茨堡学院的所有课程都由欧洲教师用英语授课. 萨尔茨堡学院为您提供量身定制的学术课程, 小班授课,专业教授鼓励你将个人经验融入到课程中. Make Salzburg, Austria, and Europe your classroom!

而萨尔茨堡学院的所有课程都对所有学生开放, certain areas of concentration have been developed. These include specialized field trips and other professional opportunities.

G’DAY, want to study in Australia? HSU为学生提供在澳大利亚两所大学学习的机会: Macquarie University in Sydney and on one of the six campuses of Australian Catholic University (ACU).

在澳大利亚学习让你有机会体验世界上最美丽、最国际化的城市之一的生活. Ahead of you are opportunities, experiences, and challenges that may change the way you see life, the world, and your place in it.


  • 学习那些你可能没有机会在HSU学习的课程.
  • 与来自澳大利亚和世界各地的教授和学生一起学习,他们提供了新的视角.
  • 建立一个拥有相似学术背景的人的国际网络, professional, and personal goals.


  • Experience a different education system, a different way of life, and share it with your new friends from around the world.
  • 沉浸在世界上最伟大的城市之一的氛围中——从海滩到高雅文化, Sydney is truly cosmopolitan and multicultural.
  • Explore the Pacific Rim and explore Australia!


  • 挑战自己,在新的教育体系、新的环境中取得成功.
  • 挑战自己,在课堂上和现实世界中学习和接受新事物.
  • 挑战会以各种形式和大小出现,你准备好了吗?

Salamanca & the Universidad de Salamanca

  • Castilla y León
  • Unesco World Heritage City
  • University founded in 1218
  • Third oldest university in Europe

Housing options

  • Host homes vs. Dorms
  • Can have a single room or a double room
  • Include bathroom, desk, wardrobe, bookshelf
  • Has a workout room
  • Vending machines (coffee for .70 euro!!)
  • Lounge area with TV
  • Ping pong and foosball tables

Culture and Food

  • 没有墨西哥菜(除了马约尔广场上的一个地方)
  • American chains only in big cities
  • They stay up late … really late.
  • Siesta from 2-5ish p.m.
  • Spanish food is exotic, unlike fast-food

Travel and Fun

  • School provides some travel opportunities and tours
  • Play soccer with students from all over the world
  • Become friends with Spaniards
  • You schedule your own weekend travel
  • On weekends students can travel to places nearby or far :
    • Ávila
    • Madrid
    • Segovia
    • Aveiro, Portugal
    • Or wherever you want to go

You have the opportunity to study for a semester at Hong Kong Baptist University

Why should you consider studying at HKBU?

  • A cultural experience to enhance any major
  • An opportunity to travel to Asia
  • Your financial aid goes with you

Students may study during either the fall or spring term. 所有课程都以英语授课,并且很容易适用于他们的HSU学位计划. While attending HKBU, students live at the International House, 哪个房间有酒店式的住宿,每个房间有两个学生,还有私人浴室设施. 可以在大学的中央餐饮设施用餐, with breakfast provided at the International House. 就读浸大的学费与就读大的学费相同, 是什么让这个项目成为我们最实惠的海外学术学习项目.

While attending HKBU, 学生有广泛的机会在整个环太平洋地区旅行, including Thailand, mainland China, Singapore, and Taiwan. 学校还提供到北京和中国大陆其他城市的旅行.


BOTTICELLI’s Birth of Venus, 1480, Uffizi.

Summer Study Abroad in Italy program: 我们举办了一个特别的旅行,让学生有机会获得HSU课程学分,同时前往意大利探索艺术史和文化主题, and take art courses from our HSU partner, the Santa Reparata International School of Art.

May 22- June 23, 2022

Interest Meeting: Nov. 16, 2021, Frost Center Room 103 Lecture Hall, 5:30 p.m.

HSU Faculty Facilitator: Linda Fawcett

HSU艺术项目将于2022年夏天进行由教师带领的半定期意大利之旅,由麦克默里艺术系联合领导,由佛罗伦萨SRISA国际艺术学院赞助, Italy.

Summer Courses

  • Art 2306 Art History Survey I (Travel) *fine art core credit)
  • Art 2307 Art History Survey 2 (Travel) *Fine art core credit)
  • Art 4099 Art history in Florence I (Travel)
  • Art 4099 Art history in Florence II (Travel)
  • ART 3333 Watercolor (Travel)
  • ART 4099 Advanced Drawing and Collage (Travel)


General Interest Form

许多其他目的地也可以通过HSU教师带领的旅行,CGE和CCCU. Scholarships apply to HSU trips.

International Studies Scholarship Information

澳门皇冠赌场平台国际研究部为HSU教师带领的旅行提供慷慨的奖学金,这可以使出国留学的费用与在校学习一样便宜! Also, at HSU, block tuition applies for HSU faculty led trips.


Twitter: @HSUStudyAbroad

Instagram: @hsustudyabroad

The International Studies office is in SR 116.