Julius Olsen Honors Program
One of HSU’s top academic distinctions, 我们的朱利叶斯·奥尔森荣誉计划为我们一些最有动力和最优秀的学生提供丰富的教育和课外机会. 荣誉学生面临的挑战是找到学科之间的联系和整合, and particularly to learn to integrate faith and intellect. 我们相信我们对知识的追求应该成为对精神的追求, and our spiritual quests should become intellectual pursuits.
我们的荣誉课程为学生提供了深入讨论他们周围世界的机会. HSU荣誉学生将面临关于我们如何思考的难题, 我们如何相信, and how we should live in a complex world as educated, intellectual followers of Jesus. 我们将所有专业的学生聚集在一起解决问题, 学术工作和小组活动旨在加强这种独特的学习经验.
哈佛大学的荣誉生活还包括野餐等社交活动, parties and intramural teams, opportunities for service to the campus and community, and annual opportunities to 旅行, both internationally and within the U.S. 我们的荣誉之旅包括纽约、新奥尔良、希腊、西班牙和意大利.
Students who are accepted into the program will receive a $25,每年可获五千元奖学金,以代替一般的大学学术奖学金.
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Leland Scholars
最多五名秋季朱利叶斯·奥尔森荣誉项目班的成员将被选为利兰澳门皇冠赌场平台. 利兰奖学金的资格将由荣誉项目主任决定 after the Honors class is chosen for that year. 所有级别的奖项将由荣誉主任与荣誉委员会协商后向负责招生服务的副校长提出建议.
Leland Scholars will receive a full-tuition scholarship award. As with all Honors scholarships, the Leland Scholarship is for tuition only, and cannot be awarded above tuition cost.
Honors 教师
许多俄亥俄州立大学的教职员工都被荣誉项目所吸引,因为这使他们能够与bright密切合作, inquisitive students, 同时也有机会开发符合他们兴趣领域的具有挑战性的课程,同时扩展到他们典型课程的范围之外.